Leading Diagnostic Service Provider for CT Angiography Kolkata

Health Conditions

Computed tomography, or CT angiogram, is an imaging procedure that helps view internal tissues and blood vessels. It works based on the use of specialized X-rays and contrast dye and is often recommended to check for heart conditions. In Kolkata, a CT angiogram used to look at the heart is better known as CT coronary angiography.

How Does CT Angiography Work

To start the CT angiography in Kolkata, a dye – known as a contrast material – is injected into the body through an IV line run into the arm or hand. The dye helps highlight the tissues and blood vessels before a CT scan is conducted to take pictures of these highlighted areas. This scan does not require any considerable preparation, but you may be asked to avoid consuming caffeine for 12 hours before the procedure, while no food is permitted for around four hours ahead of the scan.

What are the Conditions for Which A CT Angiography is Recommended

Your doctor may ask you to undergo a CT angiography in Kolkata to help in the diagnosis and investigation of several conditions, including:

Heart conditions:

Major Advantages

A CT angiography of the heart in Kolkata helps detect blockages or narrowing of the coronary arteries, which could indicate heart failure or coronary artery disease. It is also used to evaluate several other heart disorders, such as bulging aorta, valve damage, or pericarditis.

Blood clots:

It detects blood clots in the lungs, also called pulmonary embolism. A CT angiography can also detect blood clots that may have originated in the leg veins and travelled to the lungs.


The scan also detects a tear or bulge in the aorta or a brain aneurysm.


It helps assess if developing tumours are being fed by blood vessels.

Peripheral arterial disease:

A CT angiography can be used to detect narrowing arteries around the legs and in other parts of the body.

Head and neck conditions:

A CT angiography of the head helps identify the root cause of conditions such as vision loss, dizziness, and unexplained changes in behaviour or thinking.

What are the Benefits of CT Angiography

There are several benefits of a CT angiography scan, and some of these are as follows:

  • They provide detailed images of the area being scanned.
  • A CT angiography is quick to perform and allows large body areas to be scanned within seconds.
  • It is a non-invasive procedure, which also makes it painless.
  • Though it uses radiation, no radiation is left behind in the body after the scan.
  • CT angiography has many applications, from monitoring to diagnosing conditions and planning surgical procedures.
  • With an angiography, the need for surgery may be eliminated.
  • This can often cost less than traditional catheter angiography.

What are the Problems Faced with A CT Angiography

Why Quadra

While a CT angiography is largely regarded as a safe procedure, there are certain risks to be wary of.

  • Patients often complain of allergic reactions to the contrast dye with symptoms such as breathing difficulty, nausea, redness, and hives. This is particularly common for those undergoing a contrast-based scan for the first time and unaware of such allergies.
  • Those with diabetes or kidney disease may require extra fluids following the scan to help flush out the iodine content from their bodies.
  • There is a small risk that you will experience an injury, infection, or bleeding at the site of the injection.
  • Medication administered during the CT angiography in the heart in Kolkata may cause headaches.

Why Choose Quadra for Your CT Angiography in Kolkata

Quadra Diagnostics is one of the leading diagnostic service providers in the city. You are assured of a reliable service and a comfortable experience. We are committed to providing our patients with the highest standard of care at affordable rates. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and experienced staff make us a reputed and trusted name for our patients.

If you are looking for the best CT angiography in Kolkata, contact us today on WhatsApp or call (033)-66012345/ (033)-49508000 to book an appointment.

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Harsha Mitra

11 months ago

I've gone through some tests from Quadra Unit II ... In one word "state-of-the-art" facility ... Every type of pathology related tests are done here ... 100% Genuine Reports ... everyone there is very welcoming and helpful ... on-line reports available ... I recommend Quadra when the labtest is concerned 👌

Angshuman Bhattacharya

11 months ago

Very good experience